Our Program
The Richmond University Medical Center Investors Bank Post COVID-19 Care Center (PCC Center) provides services for those patients who have been exposed to COVID-19, are considered recovered, but are still are experiencing symptoms or health problems related to their exposure. These may include:
- Pulmonary disease
- Cardiac related issues
- Anxiety and depression
- Chronic fatigue and loss of stamina
Patients do not need to have been hospitalized or previously been a patient at Richmond University medical Center to access the PCC Center’s services. The PCC Center is composed of a multi-disciplinary team of experts in:
- Primary Care / Family Medicine
- Pulmonary Medicine
- Physiatry
- Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
- Infectious Disease
What You Can Expect at the PCC Center
A Thorough Evaluation
You will receive a comprehensive medical evaluation related to your condition by a primary care or family medicine physician, nurse practitioner or assistant. This will include a review of your previous medical records including blood work, radiology, behavioral health screenings, pulmonary testing and advanced cardiac testing.
Complete Diagnostic Work-Up
Depending on the findings, additional testing may be required including a CAT Scan, swallowing evaluation, or physical therapy exam. Once all results are compiled, a detailed report will be mailed to your referring physician. It is our goal to keep your primary care provider informed of your progress.
A Treatment Plan Specific to Your Needs
In consultation with your referring physician, you will be given an individualized treatment plan. It may include pulmonary rehabilitation, physical therapy, scheduled office visits, follow up studies or home health services through Visiting Nurse Association of Staten Island (VNA).
How to Enroll in the Program
- Speak to your primary care physician or family medicine physician or pediatrician for a referral into the program.
- Request a copy of your records from the hospital where you were admitted or your primary care physician so we may review them at your visit.
- Call (718)-818-1500 to schedule an appointment.
Richmond University Medical Center will provide you with the most comprehensive care for your post COVID-19 conditions. We want to be with you every step of the way during your immediate and long-term recovery. Your continued health is our priority!

Contact Us
288 Kissel Avenue
Staten Island, NY10310
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