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Urology for Women

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Urology Services for Women in Staten Island, NY

Urology problems can be frightening because of the sensitivities of the area. For many, the first thought is to ignore it and hope it gets better. However, it is important to recognize and address issues before they become a greater cause for concern. When it comes to female urology, there are special concerns that patients should feel comfortable discussing with their physicians. The urology team at Richmond University Medical Center on Staten Island, NY, is here to help patients learn more about female urology and unique considerations.

Doctor writing behind kidney model

Understanding Female Urology

While many associate urology with men due to conditions like erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer, urology for women can be just as important. The urinary system can affect not only one’s urinary health but also their sexual health. This means that seeing a urologist can help with more than urinary concerns.

When Should a Woman Visit a Urologist?

There are several reasons a woman might want to meet with a urologist. Patients may speak with a urology specialist if they notice any of the following:

  • Blood in urine
  • Cloudy urine
  • The frequent urge to urinate
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • Urinary leakage
  • Pain in the abdomen or pelvis
  • Persistent urinary tract infections

Any of these issues may be a sign of a bigger problem.

Potential Conditions

The causes of urinary system issues can vary, which is why speaking with a board-certified urologist like those at the Richmond University Medical Center is a smart choice. Here are some of the more common conditions women experience:

Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

Also referred to as dropped bladder or dropper uterus, pelvic organ prolapse occurs when any of the pelvic organs drop from their position, creating a bulge or prolapse in the vagina. The condition can be caused by menopause, pregnancy, or childbirth.

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

Stress urinary incontinence is a condition that results in urine leakage. This occurs during everyday activities such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercise.

Overactive Bladder (OAB)

Overactive bladder is a condition where the patient feels the need to urinate often and suddenly. This will sometimes include urine leakage.

Frequent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

UTIs are common. However, recurrent UTIs should be discussed with a physician. If a patient is experiencing UTIs frequently, it could be due to hormonal changes or sexual activity.

There are other female urology problems patients might experience, such as cystitis, which is an infection in the lower urinary tract and can be either uncomplicated or complicated. Patients may also suffer from one of the other pelvic floor problems, including pelvic floor dysfunction. Kidney stones can cause discomfort or pain in the urinary tract. Kidney or bladder cancer is also a possibility, which is why seeking help when signs or symptoms appear is so essential.

Treatment Options for Female Urology Problems

At the Richmond University Medical Center, our urology specialists offer basic and comprehensive solutions to urology problems. Physicians employ a personalized approach with each patient, so they know treatment is based on their specific needs. They use exams and testing to find the right solution and will even communicate with a gynecologist if needed. Some treatment options include:

  • Urodynamics testing to measure the function of the lower urinary tract
  • Urethral bulking, which helps improve closure by injecting material around the urethra
  • Minimally invasive bladder botox to help lessen urinary frequencies and reduce the sudden urge to urinate
  • Sacral Nerve Stimulation (SNS), which gently stimulates the nerves in the lower back to help with OAB
  • Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS), which stimulates the nerves in the ankle and helps with OAB
  • Urethral sling surgery to help offer support to the urethra and relieve stress urinary incontinence
  • Vaginal surgery, which is a minimally invasive surgery to address POP and other conditions

Talk to the Specialists Today

Whether patients are concerned about pain or urine color, or just want peace of mind of urology health, they can turn to the urology specialists at Richmond University Medical Center on Staten Island, NY. The team is dedicated to offering informative and personalized attention. From first visits to potential surgical procedures, physicians are there for patients every step of the way. They work with patients to decide the best course of action, and in most cases can avoid any intricate procedures.

Richmond University Medical Center’s mission is built around the idea of treating patients like loved ones, approaching each visit with the compassion and respect that they deserve. Care is available at the Urology Services Center, located at 1200 South Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314. Patients looking for experienced and knowledgeable physicians for urology needs or any other medical concern can search for a physician today and schedule an appointment. They can also contact the center at 718-370-1400.