People who experience hip pain understand how debilitating it can be to deal with. While some patients can find relief through various treatments, others may not. Hip replacements are necessary when other forms of pain management fail to work. There are many other reasons why a patient may need a hip replacement. At Richmond University Medical Center, our team of highly experienced physicians can assist those in need of hip treatment. Here, we discuss the signs that indicate hip replacement and other orthopedic treatments may be necessary.
Intense Hip Pain
Those with debilitating hip pain often require a hip replacement to feel total relief. While patients can manage mild hip pain through other, less invasive forms of treatment, severe hip pain may not react to certain treatment methods. Severe pain also can greatly affect a person’s everyday life. Issues that hip pain can cause include:
- Worsening pain while walking
- Issues with sleeping
- Inability to get dressed
- Difficulty walking up or down staircases
- Complications with standing after being seated
If a patient’s hip pain makes it difficult to complete usual, everyday tasks, this can be an apparent sign of a hip problem. Patients must seek necessary treatment to avoid future complications and relieve debilitating symptoms.
Stiffening Hips
Along with intense pain, those in need of a hip replacement may experience hip stiffness. This can be felt especially when attempting to complete actions that require bending over, such as putting on socks or shoes. Patients also may feel a popping or clicking in the hip during certain activities. These movements can cause the hip to wear down, making painful symptoms appear. Another aspect of stiffening hips is that patients may have difficulty standing on one leg. This is because the joints have worn down to the point that it affects the nerves. Hip problems typically progress in one side of the hip, making it painful to stand on one leg.
No Response To Other Treatments
Because hip replacement surgery is an invasive procedure, many physicians choose to treat hip problems using less invasive methods first. For example, physicians may try treatments such as:
- Medications
- Physical therapy
- Injections
However, if a patient’s condition remains the same or worsens after these treatments, this means they have failed to slow the deterioration of the cartilage. In this case, a hip replacement procedure is necessary. In other cases, some treatments can cause negative side effects, such as ulcers or stomach irritation. This also can be a reason a patient may undergo orthopedic surgery. In addition, those who have gone through one hip replacement surgery may need another. This is because the synthetic joint also can wear down over time. If symptoms return, the patient may need a second hip replacement.
Arthritis Damage
Arthritis is a disease that can contribute to the loss of cartilage that protects joints from rubbing against each other. This is especially true for arthritis in the hips, which can worsen over time. Two common types of arthritis in the hip include:
- Osteoarthritis: This is a type of arthritis that causes cartilage to wear down over time. Cartilage is important for allowing joints to move without issues. When an individual has osteoarthritis, this can cause serious and painful symptoms.
- Rheumatoid arthritis: This is a type of arthritis that causes the immune system to damage healthy cartilage. The immune system begins to eat away at the cartilage in the hip, which can cause additional issues and symptoms to occur.
To check for signs of arthritis, physicians can conduct tests that can indicate if a hip replacement is the best course of treatment.
Hip Replacement Treatment At Richmond University Medical Center
Richmond University Medical Center provides the Staten Island, NY, area with comprehensive, personalized health care. We specialize in many treatment options for those with hip pain, including medications, injections, physical therapy, and surgery. To learn more about hip replacement treatment, contact us today to request an appointment.